Creating trust and value through customer-centric blockchain innovation

Technology-focused Blockchain Specialist Company


  • Contract to build an integrated performance management platform for nurturing high-tech industry talent with the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (including digital badges)
  • Selected as a youth-friendly small business by the Ministry of Employment and Labor for three consecutive years
  • International Graduate School of Language University English Speech Contest President Ban Ki-moon issued K-OpenBadge
  • Open badge (K-OpenBadge) issued to visitors to the 2024 Korea Education Fair
  • K-OpenBadge world's first 1EdTech OpenBadges certified for all versions
  • Open badges (K-OpenBadge) issuance to eGISEC 2024 exhibition participants and visitors
  • Open badge (K-OpenBadge) issued to visitors to the 2024 Edutech Korea Fair exhibition
  • Won the ‘2024 AES KOREA AWARDS’ innovative product category
  • Received the 2024 Minister's Award for Convergence and Development of the Knowledge Service Industry
  • Acquired information protection certification ‘ISO 27001’
  • Acquired GS certification for digital badge service platform K-OpenBadge
  • Won the Minister of Science and ICT Award
  • Supplied the '4th Generation Intelligent NICE' blockchain platform by Ministry of Education
  • Acquired accessibility quality certification for the integrated simple authentication SWPASS mobile application
  • Constructed the electronic labor contract platform project for the Seoul City Hall - Delivered blockchain service platform
  • Won the non-face-to-face platform construction project for Gyeonggi Credit Guarantee Foundation
  • Delivered blockchain service platform for the Police Agency's integrated identity management system construction project
  • Delivered the customer app simple authentication platform for Seoul Credit Guarantee Foundation
  • Issued OpenBadge (K-OpenBadge) to visitors of the 2023 EduTech Korea Fair
  • Completed development of the K-OpenBadge service platform
  • Constructed the Next-Generation Electronic Document Distribution System for the Ministry of Public Administration and Security - Blockchain
  • Received the National Meritorious Person Commendation in ICT Convergence Knowledge Service (Minister of Trade, Industry, and Energy Award)
  • Certified as a Youth-Friendly Strong SME by the Ministry of Employment and Labor
  • Won the Minister of SMEs and Startups Award
  • Relocated to a new office building in Haengsin-dong, Goyang City, Gyeonggi Province
  • Acquired GS certification for digital badge service platform SWBADGE
  • Artificial Intelligence Company certification - Company/Technology
  • Certified as a technology-innovative SME (Inno-Biz)
  • Selected as a Star Company in Gyeonggi Province
  • Certified as a management innovation SME (Main-Biz)
  • Selected as a strong SME by the Ministry of Employment and Labor
  • Won the AES (Asia Edutech Summit) Global Award
  • Won the Minister of Employment and Labor Award at the NCS Job Utilization Contest
  • Contracted the 2020~21 Regional SW Service Commercialization Support Project by the Information and Communication Industry Promotion Agency
  • Selected as an outstanding SME in Goyang City
  • Won the Minister of Trade, Industry, and Energy Award in the 2020 e-Learning Edutech Business Contest
  • Selected as a promising SME in Gyeonggi Province
  • ISO9001 quality management certification
  • Venture certification
  • Selected for the 2019 Early Startup Package - Development of blockchain-based integrated authentication service - Top-rated evaluation
  • Launch of integrated authentication solution SWPASS
  • Investment attraction with Technology Guarantee Fund's investment option / Selected for Kibo A+ Members
  • Launch of blockchain service platform SWCHAIN
  • Establishment and certification of SWEMPIRE's corporate research institute
  • Constructed authentication systems for Hanwha Life Insurance, DB Savings Bank, SBI Savings Bank, Blue Savings Bank, Lotte Members L.POINT, and Bithumb
  • Blockchain platform construction for Hanwha Group and LG CNS
  • Blockchain open platform construction for Hanwha Life LifePlus and Korea Minting and Security Printing Corporation
  • Establishment of SWEMPIRE Co.,Ltd.



Minister of Science and ICT Award (For contribution to science promotion)

Minister of SMEs and Startups Award (For contribution to SME startup activation)

Minister of Trade, Industry, and Energy Award (For contribution to IT convergence knowledge service)

Minister of Employment and Labor Award (For winning the NCS Contest)

Minister of Trade, Industry, and Energy Award (For winning the 5th e-Learning·Edutech Business Model Contest)


Commendation from the Information and Communication Industry Promotion Agency

DMC Industry-Academia Promotion Award (For technology innovation)


GS Certification (SWCHAIN v2.0)

GS Certification (SWPASS v2.0)

GS Certification (SWPIN v2.0)

GS Certification (SWBADGE v1.0)

Recognized as an excellent SME in Goyang City

Recognized as a promising SME in Gyeonggi Province

Certified as a technology-innovative SME (Inno-Biz)

Designated as a Star Company in Gyeonggi Province

Recognized as an outstanding employment company in Gyeonggi Province

Certification for a startup company

Partner company of Gyeonggi Credit Guarantee Foundation

Certified as a management innovation SME (MAIN-BIZ)

Certified as a specialized research business

Certified as a talent-cultivating SME

Venture company confirmation certificate (For innovative growth type)

Recognition certificate for a corporate research institute

Certified as a youth-friendly strong SME


Certified for excellence in duty invention compensation

SME confirmation certificate (For medium-sized enterprises)

Certificate of performance sharing company

Information and communication construction business registration certificate





SWEMPIRE participates in ‘2024 Blockchain Promotion Week

SWEMPIRE, a blockchain specialist company, announced on the 2nd that it participated in the ‘2024 Blockchain Promotion Week ‘2024 Blockchain Promotion Week X Web 3.0 Conference’ is hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT...




SWEMPIRE acquires GS certification for digital badge service platform K-OpenBadge

K-OpenBadge, the digital badge service platform of blockchain specialist SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo), has acquired GS certification level 1 from the Korea Telecommunication Technology Association (TTA). GS (Good Software)...




SWEMPIRE acquires information protection certification ‘ISO 27001’ recognition of security management system

SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo), a blockchain specialist company, has acquired the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for ‘Information Security Management Systems’. ISO27001 is an international standard...




SWEMPIRE wins the ‘2024 AES KOREA AWARDS’ innovative product category

SWEMPIRE Co., Ltd. (CEO Choi Myung-soo) announced that it won the innovative product category at the ‘2024 AES KOREA AWARDS’ held on the 23rd at COEX in Samseong-dong, Seoul. In this review, the outstanding performance of...




SWEMPIRE receives the 2024 Minister's Award for Convergence and Development of the Knowledge Service Industry

SWEMPIRE Co., Ltd. (CEO Choi Myeong-soo) announced on the 25th that it received the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award at the ‘2024 Knowledge Service Industry Convergence Development Merit Awards Ceremony’ held...




[2024 Edutech Korea Fair] ‘K-OpenBadge’, “Emerging as a blockchain-based digital authentication system”

K-OpenBadge Service attracted attention as a blockchain-based digital authentication system at the '2024 EduTech Korea Fair'. The K-OpenBadge service records and certifies learners' achievements and educational history...




Taebaek City Together Care Center (Hwangji), English camp explanation... Issuance of K-Open Badge

Taebaek-si, Gangwon-do Together Care Center (Hwangji) successfully conducted a summer English camp on June 28 and July 30-31, 2024 during the summer vacation, and Soft Empire provided services to students who completed it. present...




Sahmyook Health University-SWEMPIRE-It'sJLAB signed a strategic business agreement to promote ‘expanding the distribution of digital badges in the health education field’

SWEMPIRE held a meeting in the conference room of Sahmyook Health University, It'sJLAB and Sahmyook University to promote 'expanding the distribution of digital badges in the health education field'...




Korea Health Nursing Convergence Society, SWEMPIRE, and It'sJLAB join forces to expand the digital badge market

SWEMPIRE was held at the Korea Health Nursing Convergence Society, It'sJLAB, and the Korea Health Nursing Convergence Society Summer Conference held at the Lascape Hotel, with SWEMPIRE CEO Choi Myung-soo, Korea Health Nursing Convergence Society President Lee Hye-kyung, and It'sJLAB CEO Jeong Jin-seong attending...




SWEMPIRE selected as a KISA blockchain private sector focus and diffusion project

SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo) announced that the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) were finally selected for the ‘2024 Blockchain Private Sector Concentration and Diffusion Project’ designed to revitalize the blockchain industry.




SWEMPIRE ‘K-Open Badge’ issued to those who completed the ‘Yonsei University Future Education Center Korean Dance Expert Course’

On the 25th, the Korean Traditional Dance Center (Director Lee Yun-jeong) issued international standard open badges to students who completed the Korean dance specialist course conducted by Yonsei University's Future Education Center using the 'K-OpenBadge' platform serviced by SWEMPIRE...




SWEMPIRE-It'sJLAB, MOU signed to promote expansion of university digital badge market

On the 17th, SWEMPIRE and JLAB signed a strategic business agreement (MOU) with Soft Empire CEO Choi Myeong-soo and It's J Lab in the conference room of the Soft Empire Building to promote 'expansion of the digital badge market for university institutions.' CEO Jeong Jin-seong attended...




SWEMPIRE, Digital Badge International Standard, Open Badges Certification for the first time in the world.

SWEMPIRE announced on the 10th that it has obtained the world's first certification of all versions of Open Badges. The Open Badges are international standards announced by 1EdTech to ensure international compatibility of digital badges.




SWEMPIRE, a blockchain and authentication company, participates in ‘eGISEC 2024’

SWEMPIRE, a company specializing in blockchain and user authentication, announced that it participated in the '12th Electronic Government Information Security Solution Fair (eGISEC 2024)'.




International Graduate School of Language and Culture Elementary School English Speech Contest, President Ban Ki-moon Award ‘K-OpenBadge’ issued

International Graduate School of Languages ​​and Sciences issued a digital badge containing awards and participation history to all participants in the '3rd International Graduate School of Languages ​​and Sciences English Speech Contest' through the Korean open badge standard platform 'K-OpenBadge'.




SWEMPIRE, selected as a youth-friendly small business by the Ministry of Employment and Labor for three consecutive years

SWEMPIRE, a blockchain specialist company, announced that it was selected as a ‘Youth-Friendly Small Giant Company’ for its high social responsibility and efforts for sustainable development. With this, SWEMPIRE has achieved 3 consecutive years from 2021 to this year...




SWEMPIRE, Awarded the 2023 SW Enterprise Quality Innovation Merit Award

SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo) announced that CEO Choi Myung-soo won the National IT Industry Promotion Agency Director's Award at the '2023 SW Quality Insight Conference', a '2023 Software Week' event held on the 29th at COEX in Samseong-dong, Seoul.




SWEMPIRE, 2023 Participated in the 2023 Edtech Korea Fair exhibition

SWEMPIRE, a blockchain specialist company, announced that it participated in the ‘2023 Edtech Korea Fair’ exhibition, the largest edtech fair in Korea hosted by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.




SWEMPIRE, Completed development of ‘K Open Badge Service Platform’

SWEMPIRE, a blockchain specialist company, has completed the development of a digital badge service platform that complies with 1EDTECH Open Badge, the international standard for digital badges, for the first time in Korea.




SWEMPIRE, Received a commendation from the Minister of Science and ICT at the government award commemorating Science Day

SWEMPIRE (CEO Myung-soo Choi) announced that CEO Myeong-soo Choi received a commendation from the Minister of Science and Technology Promotion at the '2023 Science Day Commemoration' government award held at El Tower in Yangjae-dong, Seoul.




SWEMPIRE, Obtained ‘Performance Sharing Company’ certification hosted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups

SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo) announced that it has re-acquired the ‘Performance Sharing Company’ certification hosted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. The ‘Performance Sharing Company Certification System’ is a system in which business owners and employees share a company’s management performance...




SWEMPIRE, Received a commendation from the Minister of SMEs and Startups at the ‘2022 Venture Startup Promotion Award’

SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo) announced that it received a commendation from the Minister of SMEs and Startups at the ‘2022 Venture Startup Promotion Merit Award’. The Venture Startup Promotion Merit Award is an event hosted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups...




SWEMPIRE, Attracting investment with free value worth KRW 42 billion

SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo), a blockchain and user authentication company, announced that it has attracted investment from the Blockchain Unicorn Investment Association at a free value of approximately 42 billion won.




SWEMPIRE, Digital badge service platform ‘SWBADGE’ acquired GS certification level 1

SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo), said that ‘SWBADGE’, the company’s blockchain DID-based digital badge service platform, received GS certification grade 1 from the Korea Telecommunication Technology Association (TTA) Software Testing and Certification Research Institute...




SWBADGE, Obtained GS certification level 1

SWEMPIRE Co., Ltd.’s blockchain DID-based digital badge service platform ‘SWBADGE’ announced that it has obtained the first grade of ‘GS Certification’ from the Korea Telecommunication Technology Association (TTA) Software Testing and Certification Research Institute.




SWEMPIRE, Selected as a talent development small and medium enterprise in 2022

SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo) announced that it was selected as a ‘2022 Talent Development Small and Medium Business’ hosted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. The ‘talent development-type small and medium-sized business designation system’ hosted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups is...




SWEMPIRE, Blockchain coding training for citizens and companies in Goyang City

Goyang Industry Promotion Agency was selected as a public contest project by the Ministry of Science and ICT, and SWEMPIRE, a participating organization in the “2022 Regional Leading Enterprise Commercialization Support Project” project currently in operation, is part of a community contribution project...




SWEMPIRE,Vex Intelligence, Disector, Signed MOU for commercialization of Metaverse-based content distribution service platform

SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo) is commercializing a metaverse-based content distribution service platform with Bex Intelligence Co., Ltd. (CEO Jae-ho Choi), an XR content development company, and Disector Co., Ltd. (CEO Min-hee Jang), an XR content production studio...




SWEMPIRE, Supply blockchain platform to the Ministry of Education’s 4th generation intelligent education administration system ‘NICE’

SWEMPIRE announced on the 8th that it has completed supplying and applying the blockchain service platform (SWCHAIN) to the 4th generation intelligent education administration information system (NEIS, hereinafter referred to as ‘NICE’) built by the Ministry of Education and the Korea Education and Research Information Service.




SWEMPIRE, Selected as a youth-friendly small business by the Ministry of Employment and Labor

SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo) was selected as a 'Youth-Friendly Small Giant Company' by the Ministry of Employment and Labor. 'Youth-friendly small giant companies' have excellent performance in the areas of wages, work-life balance, employment stability, and youth employment...




SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo), Received the 2021 Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award for contribution to the development of knowledge service industry convergence

SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo) announced on the 10th that he received the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award at the ‘2021 Knowledge Service Industry Convergence Development Award’. On the 9th, the 2021 Knowledge Service Industry Convergence was held at COEX...




SWEMPIRE, 2021년 NCS 기업활용 우수사례로 '고용노동부 장관상' 수상

SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo), a blockchain and simple authentication solution company, announced that it received the honor of winning the Minister of Employment and Labor Award, the grand prize, at the ‘2021 NCS (National Competency Standards) Corporate Utilization Best Practice Contest’.




SWEMPIRE, 제2회 AES Global Award 수상

SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo), a blockchain service platform and simple authentication solution company, won the ‘2nd AES Global Award’ for its solution ‘Soft Chain (SWCHAIN)’ and next-generation integrated authentication solution (SWPASS).




Mediopiatech and SWEMPIRE collaborate to build a blockchain education platform

Edtech solution company Mediopiatech (CEO Kim Seung-ryeol) and blockchain technology company SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myung-soo) supply ‘an education platform with blockchain-based DID (Decentralized Identifiers) service’...




SWEMPIRE acquires ‘SWPASS’ GS certification level 1

SWEMPIRE (CEO Choi Myeong-su) announced that ‘SWPASS’ has obtained GS certification level 1 from the Korea Telecommunication Technology Association (TTA) Software Testing and Certification Laboratory.




Countdown to commercialization of ‘Blockchain platform and security PIN authentication’

Goyang City, Gyeonggi Province, developed a blockchain service platform, a smart contract editor, and a browser security PIN (personal identification number) authentication service through government-supported projects in collaboration with the Goyang Knowledge Information Industry Promotion Agency...


Patent Registration Certificates

Method for distributing electronic documents using smart contracts in blockchain

No: 10-1976787
Date: 2019-05-02
Patent Registration Certificates

Method for sharing and verifying blocks between certain nodes in blockchain

No: 10-1986081
Date: 2019-05-30
Patent Registration Certificates

Simple authentication method and system using web storage in the browser

No: 10-2101719
Date: 2020-04-10
Patent Registration Certificates

Simple authentication method and system using web storage in the browser based on blockchain

No: 10-2101726
Date: 2020-04-10
Patent Registration Certificates

Simple authentication method and components through distributed storage of public and private key elements

No: 10-2117871
Date: 2020-05-27
Patent Registration Certificates

Certificate verification method based on optical character recognition

No: 10-2171906
Date: 2020-10-26
Patent Registration Certificates

DID system using browser-based security PIN authentication and its control method

No: 10-2248237
Date: 2021-04-28
Patent Registration Certificates

DID system using multiple browsers and its control method

No: 10-2248249
Date: 2021-04-28
Patent Registration Certificates

Method for distributing large electronic documents using smart contracts in blockchain

No: 10-2272164
Date: 2021-06-28
Patent Registration Certificates

Identity authentication system based on blockchain credentials and its control method

No: 10-2323523
Date: 2021-11-02
Patent Registration Certificates

Method and system for registering and authenticating a one-time password enhanced with randomness

No: 10-1204980
Date: 2012-11-20
Patent Registration Certificates

DID system verifiable in the browser using credentials and its control method

No: 10-2323522
Date: 2021-11-02
Patent Registration Certificates

Method and system for distributing electronic documents containing personal information using smart contracts in blockchain

No: 10-2365914
Date: 2022-02-17
Patent Registration Certificates

Method and server for providing document processing service using artificial intelligence deep learning

No: 10-2388781
Date: 2022-04-15
Patent Registration Certificates

Information management method based on vertical block structure in blockchain

No: 10-2437006
Date: 2022-08-23
Patent Registration Certificates

Face recognition method and server for mask-wearing faces using artificial intelligence deep learning model

No: 10-2439216
Date: 2022-08-29
Patent Registration Certificates

Method and device for providing certificate distribution service based on blockchain DID

No: 10-2470713
Date: 2022-11-22
Patent Registration Certificates

Automatic document processing method and server for artificial intelligence-based personal information protection

No: 10-2643368
Date: 2024-02-28
US Patents


No: US 11232234 B2
Date: 2022-01-25
US Patents


No: US 11271744 B2
Date: 2022-03-08
China Patents

Method for sharing and verifying blocks and electronic documents between nodes in blockchain

No: ZL 2019 8 0084992. 1
Date: 2019-11-01
China Patents

Simple authentication method and system for webpages using the browser

No: ZL 2020 8 0007983. 5
Date: 2020-09-14
Singapore Patents


No: 11202107607W
Date: 2022-01-24
Japan Patents

Method for sharing and verifying blocks and electronic documents between nodes in blockchain Patent Applications

No: 7146093
Date: 2022-09-22
Patent Applications

Method and device for facial authentication using face matching rate calculation based on artificial intelligence

No: 2022-0108405
Date: 2022-09-07
Patent Applications

Device and method for providing a two-dimensional identification means using blockchain-based document information

No: 2022-0164949
Date: 2022-12-28
Patent Applications

System and method for providing open badge based on blockchain DID

No: 2022-0164948
Date: 2022-12-28
US Patent Applications

Method and device for providing certificate distribution service based on blockchain DID

No: 600600-000411
Date: 2022-12-29
International Applications

Method for sharing and verifying blocks and electronic documents between nodes in blockchain

No: PCT/KR2019/014749
Date: 2019-11-01
International Applications

Simple authentication method and system using web storage in the browser

No: PCT/KR2020/012396
Date: 2020-09-14
Patent Applications

Information management method based on vertical block structure in blockchain

No: 10-2018-0168118
Date: 2018-12-24
Patent Applications

DID system using browser-based security PIN authentication and its control method

No: 10-2020-0148988
Date: 2020-11-10
Patent Applications

DID system using multiple browsers and its control method

No: 10-2020-0148989
Date: 2020-11-10
Patent Applications

Device and method for analyzing recognition targets based on OCR using artificial intelligence deep learning

No: 10-2021-0024630
Date: 2021-02-24
Patent Applications

Device and method for face recognition of mask-wearing faces using artificial intelligence deep learning model

No: 10-2021-0024631
Date: 2021-02-24
Patent Applications

Method and device for providing certificate distribution service based on blockchain DID

No: 10-2021-0055775
Date: 2021-04-29

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